Portrait: Sarah & Cherry

by Friday, May 27, 2011 0 comments

Last week, my close friend was going to meet up with the members of the D31Club PH for a model shoot.  Since it was his first time attending a photo shoot event, he invited me to tag along.  Who am I to resist of taking exposures of some models?  Ok, so it’s either that or freeing my hard drive from old photos.  It was a no-brainer.

What’s cool in this kind of shoot is that you get to make new friends.  The D31Club did not disappoint my expectations as I got more new friends than recording exposures. 

For the models, I met Cherry first.  Cherry got this relax outgoing vibe with a sweet face.  The playground scene with autumn like settings was a perfect fit for her. 

On the other hand, Sarah's aura was more of inviting.  Her tempting eyes and lips belong really well with the red arc that framed her.

Here are some of the photos:

Xposure Factory


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